Monday, August 25, 2008

But You Have To Remember...

I will be the first to admit that I really don't have the best memory. I wish I did--but I don't. I often forget if I've told people certain things or they swear they told me a story about something and I just don't remember. Bottom line--I will need to make sure I do a lot of Sudoku to keep my mind active when I'm old to make sure I don't loose the memory that I do have...

All that said, I often have to try hard to remember certain things. For the past few years, as each new season begins, I do a personal reflection of my life and the things that have happened over the past few months. I make bullet points both about the things I learned and the things I did. It's quite fun to now look back to when I was in college and read my reflections at the close of each semester.

The point of these reflections are two fold--one is to simply remember all of the fun and random things I did and two, to remember God's faithfulness throughout each season of my life. As I look back I am reminded of the things I learned through both really good and incredibly difficult times. Lucky for me, the good outweighs the bad, and in the end God was consistently faithful through it all.

It's good to remember God's faithfulness in my life. It's good to remember the difficult and painful times and to see how God walked me through it. It's good to remember that I don't stand alone in life. It's good to remember that no matter how many times I turn away, God relentlessly pursues me back to Him. It's good to remember that I am incredibly blessed by good people in my life who love God and love me. It's good to remember that love wins--and love conquers fear.

What things do you look back and remember? What things is God healing you from? By looking back, what has God taught you? These are all questions I'm asking myself too...

If I don't make myself remember....I will forget...and I don't want to forget this...

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