Wednesday, September 10, 2008

When There Are No Words...

Over the course of the week I've had conversations with two different students who both suddenly lost close loved ones (like they saw the person that morning and then their loved one died that night...yeah...). So the title of this blog says exactly what I was thinking while I sat and listened to these women share.

There really were no words for me to speak that could in any way, shape or form comfort or condole them in an adequate way. In these situations I've learned the Lord must take over--on my own, I have nothing of substance to give. So that was my prayer as I sat at different times and listened to each of these ladies.

It's situations like these where a somber feeling feels the air and I am reminded of many things. I am reminded of my own depravity--that I have nothing to give or say on my own, but must rely upon God for guidance, wisdom and discernment.

It probably goes without saying, but it's in these times when I am once again reminded of the frailty of life. I know that I am not promised or entitled to anything...but although I hear that and I say that I know that, for whatever reason, it's hard for me to believe. Life is incredibly fragile, and it's only when we recognize that we must be completely dependent upon God to endure the pain and complex realities of life, can we then begin to offer true comfort to others.

1 comment:

Sara said...

I really think it's your ability to acknowledge this that makes you such a blessing to people in hard situations - you know that you can't fix it, so you listen, and you love. I am sure that these two students felt your comfort and warmth and wisdom the way all of us who have turned you have felt it. Thanks for being a constant source of love for so many lucky people, BK.