Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Thoughts For The Throne...

This is the last of my "Thoughts For The Throne" for the lady students this year. Thought I would share...

Thoughts for the Throne
April 27th

As I sat down at my computer to write this week’s “Thoughts for the Throne” I thought to myself… “Wow, I have a lot of thoughts this week…”

I’m sure many of you have had that same thought this week. Or you may not find yourself saying that you have a lot of thoughts swirling around in your head, but instead, you have a lot of things on your mind that you need to get done. Or if you’re like me, you have both.

I think it’s appropriate to acknowledge the loss we have experienced with the passing away of Jeanette Mathews last Saturday. I’ve had the opportunity to talk with some of you as we have traveled on the road of grieving and heartache. The road is full of questions, and unfortunately, many are without answers. This road is also full of sadness as life and time continues to move forward, although our minds and hearts may be stuck in one place.

A few weeks ago I was driving in a car with a friend, when he turned and asked me, “If you could ask God three questions about anything or have God explain three things to you, what would they be?” I thought about it for a minute and realized I could think of more then just three questions. I could think of thirty.

It was in that moment I realized the beauty of how God created us. He created us with limited knowledge about the way He works in and around us. If God wanted to, He could reveal all of the how’s and why’s of the world to us, but something tells me we would be overwhelmed with it all. It was in that car that I realized (or I should say "was reminded of once again") that God sees and understands far more then we do. And even if I did ask God the three questions I had, I still wouldn’t be satisfied because I would have three more…and then three more….

Jesus calls us to trust in Him and Him alone. To trust that although we can only see a small piece of the greater picture, the greater picture is what He’s looking at. He sees the burdens we carry. He sees the pain in our lives. He sees when we grieve and when we want answers to many of life’s challenging questions. And through it all He sits with us.

The other day I went over to my best friend’s house to check in on her because she has been really sick. I asked her if I could do anything for her or if she needed anything and she said, “Can you just sit with me?” There is power in just being with people or allowing people to be with us to “just sit”. Sitting is hard though because there is no action involved. It’s our human nature to want to “do” rather then “just be”. And that’s what Jesus wants to do with us. Everyday. He wants to sit with you. He wants us to take time out from the “doing” and focus on the just “being” with Him.

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m in this with you, trying to learn how to “just sit” with Christ more. In the time that I do take to just sit and be with Christ, it’s in those moments I know He is at work restoring my soul. He is at work restoring the areas where life has taken a hit. Jesus is all about restoring us back to Him….day by day…that is His desire. I pray this summer you take time to “just sit” with God. To listen, to pray and to seek and may you find Him in ways you would have never imagined…

Until Next YEAR…!



Dani said...

Amazing Bec. And very true. You have a gift. I know without a doubt that you have had a huge impact on many women's lives this year. Don't ever forget that. I'm so lucky to have such a great friend. Love ya. And thanks for sending these to me too all year :)

Sarah Rhoads said...

Thanks for writing these every week. Dani is right. (Did I really just admit that?!) You have touched so many lives and you have been a huge part in making this last school year amazing.

P.S. You can add my name to the mailing list:)