Thursday, July 16, 2009

Random Randomness and Things I've Been Learning

1. I like posting blogs every now and then entitled "Thing I've Been Learning" in large part because I like to look back on them down the road and see if I truly learned these things or simply forgot them :)

2. I'm taking an online class right now and I had work due by midnight last night and I started it at 10:30pm... Reminds me all too well of my undergrad days.

3. I am in my friend Nina's wedding in September and the bridesmaid dress I am wearing on the big day is a tad tight right now. I'm doing weight watchers to drop 7-10 pounds in the next 6 weeks. I refuse to pay to have the dress altered to fit better when dropping a few pounds will do the trick.

4. I can't connect to from my computer at least not very often! I'm not sure why, but it's SUPER annoying. Yes, SUPER annoying.

5. I've been going to spin class at the gym twice a week for the past few weeks and I'm loving it. I'm hoping to still find time for it even as work starts up and life gets busy. It's a great workout and really pushes me.

6. TWO engagements happened yesterday. One being my friend's Brandon and Steph. Brandon is actually my ex-boyfriend, which is super funny because we dated for about 3-4 months when we were in college. And as many of you know, 3-4 months in a Christian college setting is like 2-3 years in the real world, but that is one relationship that could not have ended any better. Him and Steph are SO great for one another. When I got this text, it made me smile. And no, I'm not just saying that :)

The other engagement was one of my former RAs, Lauren. Her and her boyfriend (also named Loren, I know what are the odds, right?) have been dating for a while. Actually, come to think of it, I remember when they first started dating. Awwwwww. They are a really fun couple.

7. I really need a haircut. Next Friday I have an appointment and it could not come soon enough.

8. I think too much. No really, I do.

9. On that note, I've been thinking a lot lately about the sense of "entitlement" I have about certain things. Why do I feel entitled to certain things and should I? That's a whole other post for a whole other day...

10. I feel like the overarching question Jesus keeps asking me lately is, "Becky, do you trust me? Do you really trust me?"

I should be in bed. I'm a workin' woman again and the days are only going to get longer as the nights get shorter!


Madi said...

Ssssh...I'm at work. And on my boss's computer. That's like, a double no-no, right?


But, my head is aching from all the data entering I've been doing, so I took a break to catch up on your blog & in 10 minutes you made me cry and laugh. I love you (and totally admire that you can do a spin class!!) and am dying to loose weight (since I didn't for my wedding), and can't wait to hang out with you!

So let's make a long over-due Roomie Date!

Neen said...

BK, no matter what you are beautiful. You are gonna look smokin HOT in your dress. If anyone needs to loose some weight, it is I, lol. Well you encourage me, I really need to shape up. Wish I could join you at that spin class, it sounds like a Blast! I love reading your thoughts and I love you :)