Saturday, September 19, 2009

Prayer Request for G-ma

My grandma is in the hospital right now and has been there for the past four days. She went in because she had become extremely nauseated, stopped eating because food made her feel sick, would throw up any food she did eat and the consequently became quite dehydrated. The doctors have run ample amounts of test on her, yet there has yet to be any further understanding as to what is going on. All of us are praying that it is nothing major and that she'll be back at home soon.

She was diagnosed with cancer for the second time about 5 months ago and has gone through radiation treatment since then and that in itself has been a bit of a rough road for her. We're all pretty sure the cancer is being stubborn and still lingering in her body.

I talked to my grandpa the other day on the phone and asked if he needed anything and he replied with, "Nope, all I need is for grandma to come home..." The love they have for one another is indescribable.

So my family and I covet your prayers right now as we continue on this journey of wanting grandma to be back home and feeling much better. I'll surely keep you all posted.

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