Wednesday, November 7, 2007

64 an Still Counting

Three days ago my grandma and grandpa celebrated their 64th wedding anniversary. Take a minute and just take that in...64 years together--side by side--husband and wife.

The thought of being with the same person day after day after day for 64 years amazes me and kind of boggles my mind. I think any couple that gets married, has the hope and desire to be married to that person for the rest of their life, but I wonder how many people think it will extend beyond 60 years with that same person.

And after 64 years of living and "doing life" with the same person, is there anything that you wouldn't know about them?

My grandma and grandpa continually amaze me and I have been so blessed to have their marriage and commitment to one another as an example for me as I look down the road towards marriage someday.

And the best part...they still hold hands. My grandpa helps my grandma put on her sweater and every week my grandma cuts the baseball TV schedule out of the newspaper and puts it next to my grandpas recliner, so he knows when all the games are on and what channel to turn to. And my grandpa tells me often that the best decision he ever made in his life was to marry my grandma. "I'd be lost without her" he's told me. "When you find a good woman, only a fool would let her go. And I found the best one".

Thank you Jesus for their example of true love and commitment.

Number they come...


Anonymous said...

sigh... oh, love.
it's very nice, isn't it?

hope you're feeling better, bk! headaches are no fun.

Rebecca said...

Oh my gosh. I'm actually teary eyed. Thanks for the perspective.