Sunday, February 10, 2008

Dear Diary...

Two years ago I had my gall bladder removed because I had gall stones. These tiny little stones (made of calcium deposits and build up) would cause me incredible pain from time to time. Like pain to the point to where I would curl over and sometimes have to lay on the ground in the fetal position...not fun.

Ever since then things still haven't been working correctly in my digestion system. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I still get sick after eating...but only sometimes, not all the time.

It's for this reason I am starting a food diary. I will be (and have been) writing down all the food that I eat in hopes of finding a pattern of what may be making me feel sick.

I figured it's worth a try. I haven't written in a diary since the 2nd grade. And all that stopped the day my brother found and read my diary and embarressed me to tears. No hard feelings though...well maybe it is still a soft spot for me.

And it was a Beauty and the Beast diary. I know, it was awesome.


Jen Anderson said...

beauty and the beast.
totally awesome.

i'm jealous.

Derek said...

oh brother!

Anonymous said...

I totally do the food diary thing! Or at least try to, it's kinda an every other day thing but it really helps! Another thing that helps if you have time is to plan your meals out at the beginning of the week so you don't really have to worry about what you need to eat. And if you fudge it a bit it's not too big a deal. lol, sorry I'm on a eating healthy and getting in shape kick right now.