Thursday, February 7, 2008

Questions, Oh The Questions....

I love having conversations with people about faith. And actually what I really enjoy is having conversations about faith with people who may have a different perspective on it then me.

The first time one's faith or values is questions it can be scary...and it makes one think...and start to ask questions. And if I would have written this post four years ago, I would not have enjoyed conversations that questioned my faith--they would have really scared me. But I no longer feel that it's my job to defend my faith or God--I'm pretty sure He has that covered on His own.

I love questions. I think questions are good...and healthy...and necessary if as followers of Christ we're called to continually pursue the life God calls us to.

We'll never fully understand God. We can't. But I think the more one asks questions about faith and genuinely seeks biblical truth, it makes the pursuit of God that much more exciting.

I've found the more questions I have, the more answers I find but thus they lead me to more questions. I had two conversations just yesterday with people wrestling through questions of their faith. And in the world we live in we like to have answers and we want to have things painted in black and white--but I've found there is a whole lot of grey that colors our world.

I think questions are necessary for growth. And they don't have to be scary. I think what's really scary is when people don't have any.


Anonymous said...

becky kruse, you are an incredible woman. i feel like i learn something profound every time i talk to you.

you are right on about the questions... to just accept things the way they are is to say there isn't more of god to know.

15. I believe the way our society sees women's bodies is insane. AMEN! where are all the wrinkles?!?

Dakota House said...

ditto jessica, jah.

seek... and you what happens next.


15. yep. once again i am addressing this subject at Girls Only. There is more to fight every time.... please pray for me to have wisdom.