Monday, February 25, 2008

Things I've Been Learning...

In the midst of some pretty busy days as of latley, I have been learning a lot. Here's just a snippet...

1. Everyone has a story filled with hopes, fears, hurt, pain and joy.

2. My God is mighty to save.

3. Having a never ending cough makes me feel like a smoker.

4. I'm convinced as you get older things get harder, not easier.

5. The truth is good but it can hurt.

6. A diet cherry coke from Sonic is one of God's greatest creations (I love their ice!)

7. There is freedom in truth.

8. Life is not black and white.

9. It's a great feeling to have lots of clean clothes after doing a ton of laundry.

10. The cross isn't just about forgiveness--it's about restoration. Jesus wants to restore my soul.

11. It's extremely difficult to see a person with so much potential not embrace their God given gifts and abilities.

12. The choices I make now will directly shape much of my future.

13. I would argue cold pizza is better then hot pizza.

14. For Jesus to heal our souls we must stare our junk in the face.

15. If one has issue surrounding their identity those will always be there until dealt with directly, honestly and openly.

16. My mom can make me laugh in a way that no one else can.


Dakota House said...


#14 is my favorite.

And I contend that if you do #14, then #4 becomes untrue.


Derek said...

Thank you Bec! I needed that. PTL for what you've been learning.

Anonymous said...

(becky sings: mighty to save, mighty to save!)

to #8 and #10, i give a big, deep amen.
to #13, i give a dubious look.