Sunday, July 27, 2008

If I had to chose I'd rather be angry than apathetic...

This thought has been on my mind a lot lately. I read this paragraph below, written by a college pastor and even though I'm not a college pastor, I really resonated with what he said. I often see apathy in the lives of people who feel that they've done the "church thing" for so long, it's become old to them (I myself dabbled with this apathy for a while). Their spiritual life dies to the lure of new and exciting experiences that are presented to them during and even after college.

I've often said and believe that being angry isn't the worst thing that can happen to a's being apathetic. Whether it's being apathetic at work, in marriage, with the church or with other people, apathy can really be the demise of a person and their relationships. Even though staying angry is never good, at least if you're angry then that's a sign that you care about what's going on and you don't like it...

"People talk so much about how many teenagers walk away from their faith their freshman year of college (common estimates are around 80% who stop going to church after high school). But as a college pastor, the greater concern for me is college students who lose their faith after leaving college. Don't get me wrong, they might still attend church and be nice people raising nice kids. But they have lost all risk to their faith. Their passion for Jesus is cold. The local church is not central to their affections. They don't think about living strategically, giving sacrificially, and investing their talents wisely. They aren't praying for revival in their neighborhoods, workplaces, families, churches... that was for a phase back in college. The dream of being a success quickly replaces the passion to be a blessing."

1 comment:

Derek said...

Really good stuff my friend. Thanks for sharing. I would agree that showing anger at least shows that your processing through. I like the last part where he makes a comment about success becoming the priority and not being a blessing. Thanks for helping me keep my life in check. I love ya!