Saturday, July 5, 2008

"Jenny From The Block"...NYC Here We Come!

Derek, Lisa and I are on a bus right now heading to New York City! It's a little after 5:30am California time, and we've had very full days while we were in D.C. Lots of stories, pictures and random top ten lists to come...and maybe a few short videos... There is Wi-Fi on the bus (which is amazing!) so the 4 hour ride is a little more bearable.

Here are just a few highlights from the past few days in D.C....

--The people we're staying with! They are awesome and so much fun. We're staying with Lisa's friend Tristan (who she only met once and talked to for a few hours--but he opened his place to us!) He has a few roommates who are fun and very welcoming.

--Watching the fireworks on a rooftop in the heart of D.C. I LOVE 4th of July and I REALLY loved the 4th of July in D.C.

--The metro rides--always interesting...always.

--The history. You learn about all the monuments, museums, buildings, memorials and presidents in history class, but it changes things when you actually see and experience these things in person.

--The people. Lots of young people (between 21-30) live in the city. Very fun atmosphere.

--My plane buddy John. He was traveling back to D.C. and was a really cool guy who was going in the same direction we were so he helped us make sure we got on the right bus and metro so we wouldn't get lost!

--Lots of exercise--we walk a lot. And I mean A LOT. It brings back lots of memories of my time backpacking in Europe.

We still have two more days in D.C. when we return from New York so we still have lots more to see and do! I'm going to try and catch a nap on the bus now! More to come soon!


Dani said...

You better be taking lots of pictures! Especially of the historical stuff ;) I can't wait to see them.

Madi said...

have i told you how jealous i am?

how awesome to spend july 4th in DC of all places. i'm glad to hear there are so many people out there who are still nice and helpful! so nice.

love you! be safe and, like i need to say it, but....have fun!!