Thursday, January 22, 2009

Obama Smokes...

I just found this out. And when I was told this, I didn't believe it at first. "He smokes?" I thought. With all of the health information out about the ill effects of smoking, how it causes cancer and leads to so so many health issues that affect both the individual and their family, how could HE smoke?

And then I started thinking about it more, and for some reason, the more I thought about, the more real he became in my mind. He's a person. I mean yeah he is the President of the United States, but beyond that "title" he is a person like you and me. One who has joys, fears, pain and things going on in his personal life that bring him immense joy and things that sadden him to tears.

By no means do I endorse smoking and trust me, I do have my own personal views on the issue, but knowing that he smokes and that he has been trying to quit and wants to quit, reminded me that as he begins to fight political battles in our country and around the world, he is also fighting battles of his own in his personal life....just like you and me are. Daily.

He is a person. That may seem simple, but coming to that understanding was quite profound for me today.


Dakota House said...


i read his 'Dreams From My Father' book and the fact that he is just a person like you and me was very clear in that book.

he makes no bones about it.

which is one of the things i like about him.

the thing i like most about him i think is his love for people and the community...his belief that if we work together we can make a difference. his persistent efforts years ago in chicago proved that.

i recommend that can borrow mine if you like.

Madi said...

Just another reason why he shouldn't be our President...what else has he hid?


...When I read Paula Deens memoir and read that she was a smoker...oh man. Rocked my world.

Sara said...

You deleted Gladys!