Saturday, January 19, 2008

Donald Miller Is Coming to FPU...

Donald Miller will be speaking at at FPU on Thursday, April 17th from 8am-2pm. Tickets are $40/person and includes breakfast and lunch. Here's the link to get tickets for those interested click here for the link to buy tickets and register online.

Here's an excerpt from his book "Blue Like Jazz" which I have been re-reading lately. Thought it might wet your appetite for those planning to join me on April 17th...

"In a recent radio interview I was sternly asked by the host, who did not consider himself a Christian, to defend Christianity. I told him that I couldn't do it, and moreover, that I didn't want to defend the term. He asked me if I was a Christian, and I told him yes. "Then why don't you want to defend Christianity?" he asked, confused. I told him I no longer knew what the term meant. Of the hundreds of thousands of people listening to his show that day, some of them had terrible experiences with Christianity; they may have been yelled at by a teacher in a Christian school, abused by a minister, or browbeaten by a Christian parent. To them, the term Christianity meant something that no Christian I know would defend. By fortifying the term, I am only making them more and more angry. I wont do it. Stop ten people on the street and aske them what they think of when they hear the word Christianity and they will give you ten different answers. How can I defend a term that means ten different things to ten different people? I told the radio show host that I would rather talk about Jesus and how I came to believe that Jesus exists and that he loves me. The host looked back at me with tears in his eyes. When we were done, he asked me if we could go get some lunch together. He told me how much he didn't like Christianity, but how he had always wanted to believe Jesus was the son of God."


Sara said...

Dang, you were a busy blogger today, BK!

I'm SO excited for Donald Miller to come... but seriously, 40 dollars per person? That's so ridiculous. If it was anyone else I wouldn't think twice about going.... but it's freaking Donald Miller, you know?

And that is a great story.

Derek said...

I can't wait!!! And that was an awesome passage! PTL for Donald Miller!

Anonymous said...

I like this man alot. I am in eager anticipation.