Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What If...

Have you ever played the "what if..." game? You know, like "What if I would have done this instead of that?" or "What if I would have gone here instead of there?"

For example:

--What if my parents never moved from Ohio to California?
--What if I was the first born and then had a younger brother?
--What if my mom didn't transfer me to a differnt jr. high and I didn't get to know Jen or Derek?
--What if I had a different youth pastor in jr. high/high school who didn't encourage me to go to FPU?
--What if I went out of town for college?
--What if I never chose to live on campus during college?
--What if I never changed churches and never started attending The Well?
--What if I was born two years earlier or two years later?

Oh the "what if's" of life...

What if...


Jen Anderson said...

kinda puts it all in perspective...
doesn't it?

but still,
it doesn't make it any easier in the moment.

this too shall pass.


Dakota House said...

This would be a ridiculously long game were I to play it.

Maybe I'll try "What now..."
