Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A New Year...

I feel as though 2008 is going to be a year full of change. As I reflected on 2007, I didn't feel that I endured that much change--not sure if that's good or bad. And actually, when looking back, I wish I would have grown more then I feel like I did.

I mean, I did grow in a lot of ways, but I feel now more then ever God is calling me out of my comfort zone and calling me out on things in my life--both the seen and unseen things.

I feel as though change is coming in different ways. Change has already occurred in the lives of a few friends within the past week--4 engagements and it's not even a week into the new year yet!

And sadly, after battling an aggressive form of cancer for months, a friend lost his mother today--talk about change. So much change has and will continue to penetrate that family.

But I was reminded today by a friend, "In order to grow, things much change and in order to change we must learn." You can't grow without changing and you can't change without learning...they all go hand in hand...

And 2008 is going to be magical, right j.lo?


Jen Anderson said...

it's not the moving into the house thats's the move, right?

change is good, hard...but good.

2008 is gonna be great.
as i like to say...


Derek said...

magical indeed! here's to healthy change!