Have you ever got a song stuck in your head before? Either you hear it on the radio or you hear someone singing it and from that moment on you can’t get it out of your head. This has happened to me before…well, okay it actually happens to me
a lot. People who know me well know that I really like to sing. Now when I say I like to sing, by no means do I mean that I sing well. I just like to sing and will often burst out in random song. And I usually only realize I’m doing it when I look up and someone (or multiple people) are looking at me really strange… yeah…
Well I got a song stuck in my head this weekend. On Easter Sunday I attended church with Jen and Derek and I was reminded of what I like to call “oldie but goodie” praise songs that we used to sing at the church Jen and I grew up at. I couldn't’t get this song out of my head—-the chorus of the song went like this:
And I believe that He’s here now
Standing in our midst
Here with the power to heal
And the grace to forgiveThese four lines were stuck in my head all day—I even found myself humming it last night while I was in the shower! Often when songs get stuck in my head I don’t think too much about it, and honestly I sometimes don’t even realize what I’m singing or saying with the lyrics of a song. And I’ve found myself in a few awkward situations because of that…
But this time as I sang the words to this song over and over and over again, I found myself discovering deep truth in these lyrics. Specifically with the last two lines…
“Here with the power to heal and the grace to forgive…”Sometimes we need to be reminded of this. I often need to be reminded of this. We need to be reminded that Jesus has the power to heal in ways that are beyond our understanding and He has the grace to forgive even when we don’t want to or can’t forgive ourselves.
It doesn’t take much looking around to see that we live in a broken world and therefore we’re all broken people. Some of you probably feel more broken then others at times. And some of you are hurting and are hurting really bad right now. We are in need of the one and only one who offers healing in a way that no one (or no thing) can.
Some people go their whole life searching for something or someone to heal their brokenness. But the thing they’re searching for is in their midst. He’s right here. And we can only find the healing and grace we need when we give up the search, when we surrender, when we trust.
Trust that God is already at work putting you back together. Trust that through dying to the old, the new can give birth. Trust that Jesus can repair the scarred and broken image. Trust that grace pays the bill…
Until Next Week...