Monday, March 31, 2008

When You Reach That Level...

I love when you reach the level with people where you can start joking/making fun of them. You know what I mean. When you reach a certain comfort level where you can banter back and forth about any given thing all in good fun.

Today was a long day. A very long day. And I can pretty much say with confidence that this day would have seemed a whole heck of a lot longer if I did not have great (and fun!) co-workers. Kimi, Dave and I work really well together--and we've reached that level with one another where we can joke around and make fun of one another all in good fun.

There was one time today when both Dave and Kimi were mocking me and I couldn't stop laughing. I love this about my job.

And it gets even better when Pam jumps into the mix!

Today was a long day--but I work with some amazing people and even when one of us has a "bad" day we love one another through it.

And know it's time for me to leave my office and go to bed...


Derek said...

You are amazingly gifted and called to be in the roll you are in. Don't ever forget that. God is using you with your girls and you are such a blessed to them. And even to me. I love you!

Jaclyn Marina said...

That's so great.

FPU is such an amazing school, I love it there! We have some pretty quality people.:)

Hope all is well!