Monday, March 31, 2008

I'm Hooked

It's true. I borrowed season one of "One Tree Hill" from Dani and Mallorie and I'm hooked. I'm embarressed to say how many episodes I watched this weekend...but it was quite a few. It's a good show and now I understand what so many people have talked about for so long.

Now Jen don't go rolling your eyes just a few episodes and I can pretty much guarantee you'll be hooked too...


Jen Anderson said...

how did you know I'm roll my eyes?!

that I'm that predictable.

we'll watch it our slumber party. :)

Derek said...

OMG! It is my FAVORITE show. I am hooked. I watched four full seasons in 6 weeks. Let me know if you want to borrow the DVD's. You need to watch from the very beginning. It is an amazing. Welcome to the world of OTH. I agree Jen would become hooked!!!