Sunday, November 30, 2008

A few reasons why I love my mom...

1. She waves at people with her index finger

2. She calls everyone her "friend". "I was at Rite Aid the other day and my little friend Lucy was working...."

3. She calls people "fart heads"

4. She doesn't kill insects...she sets them "free" outside.

5. She defends other people and makes up stories for them... I would say, "Mom, that person just cut me off in traffic..." And she would say, "Well honey they're probably having a bad day. Maybe their boyfriend just broke up with never know..."

These are only five of the many reasons why I love my mom...


Madi said...

thanks for the laughs =)
i wish i knew your mommy more...

Jen Anderson said...

the sweet love of Debbie Kruse;
everyone should know it.

you do know that we're going to be her in 20 years, right?

i miss her.
i miss you.


Derek said...

I love your mom! Just the thought of her makes me smile. I am definitely going to have to pop in on Christmas for a cheerful hello and hug from the Debbie Kruse! PTL for your mom!