Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Update on G-Ma...

I went with my grandma the other day to her last radiation appointment. She had 40 treatments (everyday excluding weekends) for 40 days. Yesterday was her last one...or so we thought...

The doctors told her that the cancer had spread to her spine and that more treatment would be needed. We're unsure at this time what kind of treatment she will have or if she will be able to continue with radiation.

Needless to say, this was a complete shock to my grandma and my whole family. And my grandpa had been with her for 39 out of the 40 visits, but couldn't go last night because he had a procedure that morning and wasn't able to drive for the rest of the day. The one day he's unable to come and she gets that news...

I'm glad I was with her, although I was in complete shock too. She is a strong woman and I continue to learn so much from her and because of her.

Continued prayers are appreciated. I'll be sure to update as I know more...

Our hope remains in Christ and Christ alone. Through it all He is at work in both seen and unseen ways...there is absolutely no doubt about that.


jesswood said...

We will be praying...love you lots.

LisaJean said...

so sorry to hear, Bec. love you and will be praying. you're an All-Star!

Dakota House said...

Becky. God has so much confidence in you... He continues to put you in place when life has its most crucial moments.

Your beautiful heart for God and people is a gift. It is also a burden. You are given much to carry.

The night Grams died was THE ONE NIGHT in many weeks that Grampo did not spend the night sleeping in a chair beside her at the hospital. It is strange how things work out sometimes... there is so much we do not see or understand. God's reasoning is not our own.

I am praying for your grandparents and I am praying for you...that you will continue to look to Him (as I know you do) and that He will hold you (as I know He does).

It is only by keeping our eyes on Him that we can make it through at all.

I love you.