Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas Goodness

Tonight was the third annual gift exchange with three of my good friends. For the past three years my friends, Brandie, Noelle, Beth and I get together to eat some good food, hang out, relax and exchange Christmas gifts. It's a lot of fun and there are always unique gifts that pop up!

Last year we decided it was going to be a "themed gift exchange" and our theme was "spa or relaxation day"--so basically the gift was supposed to be something bath like or the such. We quickly learned this was harder then we thought and although it turned out to be okay, we decided to ditch the themed gift giving this year.

We all gathered at Brandie and Jason's apartment tonight (though Jason was out doing his own things with the guys) and we had coffee, with some A-M-A-ZING gingerbread biscotti dipped in white chocolate...seriously one of the best things I've ever had! And lots of other goodies that Brandie made.

It was a lot of fun and we watched a new show on TLC called "Jon and Kate Plus Eight" It's a really funny reality tv show that follows this couple around who had twin girls and then wanted another child and ended up getting pregnant with sextuplets! Of course fertility drugs were involved, but they have two 6 year old girls and six 3 year old children--3 boys and 3 girls. They are adorable!

All that to say the show is really funny, my friends are wonderful and the night was such a great way to celebrate together!

One thing I love about Christmas are nights like these. Indeed.

1 comment:

Jason said...

I'm glad you all had a good time and enjoyed the biscotti's! And John and Kate - keep watching, it's awesome!