Sunday, May 4, 2008


I recently bought a new CD that has a bunch of old hymns that have been modernized/contemporized in different ways. I LOVE this CD. It brings back memories from the church I went to growing up.

Although growing up I always thought singing hymns was boring (especially when we sang them so slow!) but there is such deep rooted meaning in the lyrics, that I have now come to see how valuable they really are.

One of my favorite songs on the CD is "Joyful Joyful". Every time I listen to it, I think of my dear friend and mentor, Jamie and I think of a bunch of kids in a large sanctuary singing their hearts out at VBS.

Both such good, good memories.

And I think of Jen and me teaching kindergarten for a class full of 4-5 year olds...

Now that is a really good memory too! I can't help but smile and laugh when I think of that one!


Dakota House said...

Oh my friend...yes those are good memories... we share some, don't we? And that is a lovely gift.

It took me a while to get over being I could get to the place where I can smile at the moments that still linger in my mind.

Jesus is so good to us.

I love you.

Dani said...

You bought a new CD? Why does this story sound so familiar? haha