Thursday, May 29, 2008

Work In Progress...

I have been thinking a lot lately about the idea of loving people (and ourselves) in the midst of imperfection. I don't think we should be willing to be complacent with our imperfections--though everyone is a "work in progress". But that first word says it all... Work. We are a work in progress but sometimes I think we (rather I) forget it takes work to progress.

It requires courage to take an honest look at oneself and be open and willing to see the good, the bad and all the in between. God sees it all but I think sometimes we like to be selective in the things we choose to see in our life, because let's be be fully known to yourself or to others can be a very scary thing...


Derek said...

It's easy to forget that it takes work to get progress. We want everything to come easy. More and more I am realizing nothing worthwhile comes easy. It takes time, being vunerable, and a whole lot of hard work. All things that most people don't want to do. At the end of the day we have to look ourselves in the mirror and decide what we are going to do for ourselves, no one can do the work for us. Thanks for sharing BK! Mad love!

LisaJean said...

Insights like this are why I love you, Becky Kruse. I also love having friends who are working to progress. Journeying with you is a pleasure.

Madi said...

Isn't the reward for whatever you worked so hard for, that much sweeter because you worked for it? i love this post. looooooove it. and, i'm stealing it.

i'm going to quote you on this greatness over on my blog.right now. or later. i'll wait for your ok =)