Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Words That Change Lives...

Think of how drastically life can change (both for the good and bad) when these words are spoken:

"I'm pregnant"

"I have cancer"

"I want a divorce"

"There's been a terrible accident"

"I got a new job"

"Will you marry me?"



Jen Anderson said...

why did my stomach sink a little with those one liners?

so very true, my friend.
too true.

Derek said...

Those are all indeed life changing one liners. I am with j.lo on the whole stomach sinking factor. I am trying to think of some more but I think you covered them pretty well.

Eric said...

How bout
I have gas?

lauren mae said...

the only one i can think of is "i'm late", but that very closely relates to "i'm pregnant"...

i tried.

Jen Anderson said...

"i'm having an affair."

Madi said...

my dad hates it when i call and say, "uumm...daddy?"