Tuesday, June 26, 2007

That Must Have Hurt

Today as I was leaving the Costco parking lot I saw a guy on a motorcycle (who was with 3 other guys all on motorcycles of their own) turn the corner in the parking lot and eat it...hard. I felt so bad for this guy! A few men got out of their cars to help him up. Luckily, he was fine and his bike was fine too. His other three friends on their bikes came around to help him and within minutes they all road off together. But what a scary thing!

So after I saw this guy fall it reminded me of my good friend Steve, who also rides a motorcycle and fell off his bike a few years ago. Luckily Steve was also okay, but he did cut up the skin on his leg and forearm pretty bad. So, after I saw this guy fall off his bike, it reminded me of Steve, so I decided to give him a call. We hadn't talked in over 9 months so it was great to catch up with him and chat for a while. He's working on his masters at Cal Poly and loving it.

I wasn't happy to see that guy fall off his bike, but I was happy to get to chat with Steve for a while!

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