Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Things That Refresh Me

--Going on a long walk

--Sitting at Uncle Harry's drinking a diet pepsi, while reading a good book

--Going swimming

--Going to dinner with
j.lo (or any meal for that matter)

--Having real conversation with a close friend(s)

--Taking a nap in the middle of the afternoon

--The feeling of having a clean apartment

--Sitting at Panera and the feeling of knowing I'm out of Fresno (even if I'm only 45 minutes away)

--Bike riding

--My grandparents

--Playing tennis on Nintendo Wii

--Playing tennis with friends just for fun

--Watching the movie,
The Sandlot

1 comment:

Sara said...

Oh my gosh Becky, Panera is like my favorite place ever. How have we never discovered this mutual love? Did you know there's one in Clovis, and that we should go there for our one on ones at some point this year?