Thursday, July 26, 2007

Meet my new friend, Owen.

This my friends is one of the newest additions to my friend club. He goes with me everywhere and for the next couple of months I won't be leaving home without him.

I went to the doctor today and found out I officially have my first broken bone. I was told I fractured my tail bone when I slipped on a puddle and it would take between 2-3 months to fully heal (Actually, the doctor said 3 months, but I like to be optimistic and say 2-3 makes me feel a little bit better.)

So everywhere I go I take my donut pillow (Owen) with me so that I can sit more comfortably. I am fully aware I look silly carrying around a bright yellow donut pillow, but trust me my friends, if you ever fracture your tail bone, you'll be making friends with a donut pillow too!


Jen Anderson said...

I guess, I won't make fun if you bring it out...

I'll resist the temptation.

Derek said...

Awww j.Lo. LOL. Treat Owen well and he will treat you well. I won't laugh at you, you're in pain. And way to be optimistic!