Friday, September 7, 2007

50 Things To Do Before I Die...

This list has been one in the making. Ever since I was in jr. high I can remember thinking of various things I wanted to do before I died. I finally compiled them all in one list. Some of the things on this list are quite simple, others may take a lot of time or money, and some I've already accomplished (the ones in bold) but all in all the things on this list are things I hope to do throughout my life. I'm sure I will add more, but for now, here it is...

--Attend a pro baseball game
--Attend a pro basketball game
--Attend a pro football game
--Attend at least one major sporting event: The Super Bowl or The Olympics
--Attend the taping of a TV show
--Backpack through Europe
--Be a contestant on a game show
--Beat my brother at ping pong
--Be the maid of honor in Jen's wedding (yes Jen you will get married :)
--Bike along the CA coast
--Camp under the stars with no tent
-Celebrate New Years in Time Square
--Give blood
--Go dove hunting with Stephen Elliott (this put on here by special request of Stephen himself)
--Go fishing in the ocean and eat what I catch
--Go on a ride along with the police
--Go skinny dipping
--Go skydiving
--Go to grad school – and finish
--Go to New York with Jen
--Graduate college
--Hike Half Dome
--House a foreign exchange student in my home
--Learn how to ball room dance, properly
--Learn how to do a cart wheel
--Learn not to say yes when I really mean no.
--Learn to hand toss pizza dough
--Live in San Diego
--Live on my own
--Move out of Fresno
--Own my own home
--Ride a cable car in San Francisco
--Road trip across the US
--Run ½ Marathon
--Scuba dive off Australia's Great Barrier Reef.
--Send a message in a bottle.
--Sing at a Karaoke Bar
--Spend 3 months getting in optimum shape
--Swim with a dolphin
--Take a cruise
--Take a photography class
--Tell someone the story of my life, sparing no details.
--Tour Pearl Harbor
--Visit Africa
--Visit all 50 states
--Visit Australia
--Visit Germany and drive the Autobahn
--Visit Yellowstone National Park
--Watch the top 100 movies of all time (according to IMDB)


Jen Anderson said...

If I could share in 10 of those things with you...

I'd die happy.

Great list.

Dakota House said...

Nice list.

You are having a good life, with more to come.

When you and Jen go to NY come talk to me. I'll hook you up with a good subway map and some great places to eat, particularly in the East Village.


Derek said...

I love the list. Can you promise to share some of those activities with me??? Haha. Funny you put this because I have been thinking of things I want to do before I die the past few weeks. Maybe my list will come to a blog near you in the future. Haha. Love ya BK!

Anonymous said...

nice. i love it!

when you send your message in a bottle, i hope it ends up on some distant shore in the hands of a curious aboriginal child. and you totally make his day. : )

Sara said...

Best idea I've ever had: RA road trip! Cross country! We can stay at my house in Omaha....

We DO have the budget for sending 7 or 8 cars across the country, and pay for hotels and food, don't we?

You have five separate comments on one post. You're like my blogging idol now, Becky.

Madi said...

I love you for all of this. I wanna do some of them with you! Especially sionce some of them are on my 30 by 30 list.