Wednesday, September 19, 2007

"I love Jr. High Students"

This is what my mom said to as she was telling me that she is now a volunteer for the jr. high group at her church. She leads a small group on Wednesday nights with five 7th grade girls and she loves it.

"I just love to listen to them as they tell me about their day" she said. She said she was a little nervous about committing to it at first, but so far she has really enjoyed it.

At 51 years old my mom is a jr. high volunteer. I don't think I could have handled my mom volunteering when I was in jr. high (actually, I know I could not of handled that) but now because she enjoys it so much, I say more power to her!

1 comment:

Jen Anderson said...


did i ever mention how much
i LOVE your mom?

she's fantastic.

but i agree...
it would have been a no-go sitch when we were in Jr. High.
