Friday, September 28, 2007

R.I.P "Fred" The Mouse

A few days ago I informed my readers (all four of you out there) that I did not think there was a mouse living in my apartment after all. Boy was I wrong!

I saw him (Derek and I would refer to the mouse as "Fred") with my own two eyes on Sunday afternoon. I saw him scurry across my kitchen floor and run under my refrigerator. Then he proceeded to taunt me by sitting in the corner of the kitchen starring at me! I tried to catch "Fred" in a shoe box, but no such luck...big surprise there, huh? He ran back under the fridge and that was the last I saw of Fred...until this morning...

After it became official that there was indeed a mouse living in my apartment, I got some mouse traps and strategically placed them in different rooms. Each morning between Sunday and today I would check to see if Fred had indeed been caught, but each day I was met with disappointment by an empty trap.

After so many days had elapsed I thought for sure Fred must have left and found a new home in another apartment. Ha. Although I pretty much knew that wasn't going to be the case, it was a comforting thought. I was sorting some laundry this morning before work and as I'm sifting through clothes in my laundry basket, what do my eyes MY laundry basket! YUCK...YUCK...AND YUCK! And to answer your question...I have no idea how long he had been there!

I'll excuse you while you hold down your stomach...

I sucked up what bravery I had and grabbed about 17 paper towels and 2 plastic bags and scooped him up and ran outside to the big trash can.

I'm not sure what killed Fred...but hopefully he died peacefully and didn't leave any brothers or sisters around!


flowgun said...
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Sara said...

I'm laughing right now, and I think you know why!

Anonymous said...

oh my. poor fred...

your comments about 'sex god' are incredibly intriguing... i think i really need to get on reading that book. or, as you creatively suggest, listening to the audio.

thanks for being so wonderful. : )

Madi said...

That's just sick. I'm so thankful right now that we're no longer roommates. Can you imagine living with me if I knew there was a mouse in our room?!? Aaaanyway....I do miss your company, don't get me wrong. But unwanted guests are not ok.

Now I wanna read this "sex god." It sounds good.