Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Say What? Selah...


Have you heard this word before? Selah (pronounced: ce-lah) is a Hebrew word used in scripture and often found in the book of Psalms that literally translates “to stop and listen”.

This weekend I went out of town and had the opportunity to see a number of good friends. My journey started at I left Fresno and drove to Turlock, CA. Turlock is home to my friend Steph and home to my friends Courtney and her husband, Drew. I then made my way up to the bay area to see a couple of other really good friends. I had a total of about 6 hours round trip in the car by myself, which is when this word “selah” came to my mind.

As I drove I started thinking a lot about all sorts of stuff. Have you ever noticed that when you start driving on a road trip, the open road ahead of you helps to clear your mind some too? Well, my mind was cleared and I felt I had room to think...And think I did! It didn’t take too long before I started thinking about lots and lots of different things. Things to do, people to call, emails to write, places to go, things to buy, chores to be done, and then I started thinking about future stuff, money stuff, and all that fun “adult” stuff. And then I remembered: Selah.

I thought to myself, “Just mentally stop for a moment Becky.” In the midst of my thinking the Lord reminded me that though I have an ongoing agenda in my head, His agenda trumps my agenda any day. I can make plans and choose things and make choices, but in the end I know that God’s plans are far greater then my own…far, far greater…one more reason to “selah”.

To stop and listen—it sounds simple, but if we’re honest, it can be hard. This morning I sat on my couch with my morning coffee in my hand and took time to “selah”. I prayed. I listened. I asked and pondered while I talked to God. It’s in those moments where I really feel my mind begins to get cleared and I begin to gain perspective on how God is at work and how I’m (hopefully) a part of what He’s doing. Road trips can do wonders to help clear the mind, but my mind felt even more clear when I took time to stop and listen.

I often find that it’s when I feel I have so much to do and I don’t have time to stop and listen; it’s in those times that I really need it the most.

Life is busy... There will always be things to do, people to see and places to go. Many of us don’t know how to not be busy. I encourage you to take time in the midst of busyness to truly “selah”. Stop. Listen. You’ll be surprised at what a difference it will make…


Sara said...

"Until next week... Becky"

I feel a Thoughts for the Throne in the works....

BK said...

You know me too well :) This was the TFTT for the week!