Sunday, April 8, 2007

You + Me = Wii

I played the Nintentdo Wii for the first time tonight and it was so much fun. A few of my friends and I got together tonight and one of them just bought a Nintendo Wii yesterday. I don't know why, but I was a little skeptical at first, but once I started playing I LOVED it.

We played for a few hours and played a whole bunch of different games. We played a billards game, ping pong, some kind of shooting game, bowling (which I rocked!) and I wasn't too bad at tennis either. It's so interactive and I would even venture to say it's a form of exercise because you move around a lot.

I have to say I was actually tempted to buy one for myself...I haven't yet, but it would be a ton of fun. And what a fun thing to have and be able to invite people over to play...!

If I got one, would YOU play with me???


Stephanie said...

I would totally play Wii with you :)

Derek said...

I would be all over that like flys on poo! Go get the Wii BK!