Sunday, December 17, 2006

"Tim, stop turning the light on!"

I miss my brother. Just tonight I called him but he was at work so he threw his phone to his best friend Brandon to answer. If I couldn't talk with Tim, Brandon would surely be my number two choice. Afterall, Brandon is pretty much like my second brother.

So I didn't actually get to chat with my bro, but I just wanted him to know I missed him. Now considering him and I are both adults, both living on our own and in different cities, I still miss seeing him and as weird as it may sound I miss him coming into my room and flipping on my light while I'm sleeping at 2:00am when he would get off work, just to "say hi". Often Jen would be staying the night too, so she can vouch for how much that urked us! Oh wow...but those are the memories I have and the memories I miss.

Over the 22 years that I've known my brother, he has taught me a ton. He wasn't really the super protective, "I'm going to beat you up if you mess with my sister" type, but I always knew he loved me and when it came down to it, he would do anything for me. Anything. He truly cares for people, is so easy to be around and LOVES to tell dumb jokes and bust out in random songs (hmmm, maybe that's where I get it from...) He is the one who taught me all I know about football, would force me to play video games (Royal Rumble, Mortal Combat, Madden 97 and Halo) just so he could play against me and win every time and he let me drive his 72 Chevelle Malibu, even after I backed it into another car. Oops. Now that's one loving and forgiving brother.

Siblings are the only people in life that can truly understand the dynamics of one's family, considering they are a part of the same one. Tim and I are SO different in so many ways, yet we have our similarities. He will always be the one who can make me laugh, even when I'm crying and the one I call when boys are stupid and I need an honest opinion about whether or not I had a right to be upset about something.

Christmas will be here soon and I'll get to see my brother. It's fun to catch up some and just hang out like we did on summer days when we were younger and couldn't drive yet. We don't get to pick our family members, but if we did, I would say that I would still pick Tim. He's one of a kind and a HUGE blessing to me and our family.

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