Monday, June 2, 2008

The Buckeye State...

I'm in Ohio right now attending a confernce called ACSD (Association for Christians in Student Development) with a few of my fellow co-workers from FPU. My parents are both from Ohio, so I have to say I've spent my fair share of time in this state. But I also have to say, it's a really beautiful place this time of year. Everything is SO green and there is SO much land all around. Much, much different then California.

And when people ask what school I work at and what state I'm from and I tell them FPU in California...I always get the same response: "It must be nice to live in California!" I smile every time. For most people outside of CA, California = beaches and beautiful weather--which we do have, but we just don't have those things in Fresno...especially not in the summertime.

This was the first day of the conference...three more to go and I'm looking forward to it. This is my 3rd ACSD conference, so it's been fun to reconnect with friends I've made over the years that work at other colleges/universities.

Today a group of us from FPU went to the United States Air Force Museum. It was amazing. That will have to be a whole other post on it's own, but if you like U.S. history, you would love this museum (Jen *cough cough*).

Time for bed now. This three hour time difference is wearing on me, and as soon as I get used to it, it will be time to head back home!


Jen Anderson said...

miss your face.
goooo Buckeyes!

u.s. history...
my passion.
where have we gone wrong?
off my soapbox, i go.

goodnight my bff,

Madi said...

booooo ohio!!!

go notre dame!!!