Sunday, June 29, 2008

One thing I would miss if I ever moved out of California...

is the fruit. Especially in the summer. Strawberries. White and Yellow Peaches. Nectarines. Plums and Pluots. I love them all. I had some delicious fresh fruit tonight at a BBQ with some good friends and it was so, so good. The fruit was almost as good as the company...almost.

I freely admit that I think, okay actually I am pretty darn sure, I take for granted the quality and variety of fruit we have at our fingertips here in the valley. good. Reason #43 why I love summer.

1 comment:

Dani said...

You can't just say reason #43 unless you actually have a list of things. LIke what are reasons 1-42?

Oh but i definitely agree about the fruit! i love nectarines!