Thursday, June 26, 2008

Lots and Lots of Bubbles!

Tonight I went to Turlock to spend some time and catch up with my friend Steph. Steph and I went to FPU together...we were RAs together for a year and she lived with me and my family the summer after we graduated college. She is getting married in November, so tonight I got the chance to hang out with her and her incredibly fun fiance Drew.

And we made bubbles...

Steph is student teaching for a 1st grade class and this is their last week of school. So tomorrow they are going to do a science experiment with bubbles. She needed a lot of "bubble mix" and the way to get the really big bubbles (so I learned tonight) is to make your own concoction of bubble mix! So the three of us went to the store and bought Dawn soap, distilled water and glycerin. Glycerin is kind of hard to find...we went to three drug stores looking for it, but we finally found it and took it home to make the mix!

It worked great and I know that the three of us had a blast goofing off, making bubbles and getting excited about it all, so I know her 1st graders are going to love it too!

Bubble Making....random? Yes. But lots of fun? For sure!

1 comment:

Madi said...

i miss stephanie.....

now that you know how to make bubbles, i think we should do it!!