Saturday, February 24, 2007

I Feel Old

The other night I helped out with a Youth For Christ high school scavenger hunt. I arrived at the house and got to see a lot of students I hadn't seen in a while. My heart was filled with joy as I saw many familiar faces and many new ones.

Jesus is surely at work within that ministry.

But I felt old. Here's why: As I was standing around talking to kids I noticed a girl walk in. Now there were lots of kids there, but this girl stuck out to me. She was tall and beautiful and I knew I knew her from somewhere.

As I stared at her trying to place her in my head, it clicked...

I used to babysit her and her brothers like 7 years ago when she was 7 years old...and now she's 14--and a freshmen in high school!

Wow. Time moves quickly...and in that moment I felt slightly old...just a tad bit.

1 comment:

Derek said...

We are getting old! I am reminded of it almost daily! Thank you for helping out! We LOVED having you there! I hear we will be needing Mr/Miss CL Judges in a fe wmonths...can I count ya in? Hehe. Love ya!