Sunday, February 4, 2007

I STILL have a bruise...

I have to get my blood drawn again on Tuesday and I'm not excited, to say the least.

When I went in this past Wednesday, they drew my blood and it took them not one, not two but THREE times to get it right and actually get the blood they needed.

I don't do well with needles to begin with, so by the time they dug in my arm the second time, I was having a really hard time.

Needless to say, I still have a bruise on my left arm where they dug in twice.

I'm going to request a new nurse if I have the same one again.

Here was the 22 year old girl walking out of the lab with tears running down her cheeck. I felt a little silly, but hey, it hurt and I wasn't feeling good to begin with. I deserved a slurpee after all that. I treated myself to a jamba instead.

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