Thursday, January 25, 2007

Book Recommendation

I'm currently reading a book titled: "When People Are BIG and God is small"

I started reading it a few weeks ago and it's been really good. The theme of the book revolves around the idea and understanding that as humans we often are more concerned about what other people think of us rather than what God thinks of us. It talks about our tendency to often fear men and not fear God.

I appreciate the approach this book takes when it lays our many of the reasons why we fear men. The idea that we become consumed with thinking about how other people will view you or judge you based upon the things you say and do. Convictingly, it also talks about the tendency people have to shy away from doing or saying things they feel God is calling them too, out of fear of criticism or rejection from other people.

I'm not done reading it yet--but so far it's been a good read.

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