Saturday, January 13, 2007

Okay, I admit it.

I have an issue with staring at people. Various people within the past week have brought to my attention that I stare at people in public. Now I'm okay admitting to this, because I am a firm believer that we all have issues--and I, apparently, have an issue with staring.

Not that I feel a need to explain myself (or maybe I do...) however, when I look at people I don't do it with the intention to stare. I am just fascinated by people.

And when I'm looking at people (okay staring at them, as many would call it) I'm usually asking questions about them to myself. Questions like, "I wonder what things they struggle with in their life?" or "Are they happy with where they're at in life?"

If there's a man and a woman sitting together and their not talking to one another, I think to myself, "Are they mad at eachother or are they so comfortable with one another they don't have to be talking all the time?" Or if it's a family, I will often think about my own family and then think what a big job it is to raise children and keep a healthy marriage going.

Or the times when I really think to myself are when people are sitting and eating alone...I ask a whole slue of questions then. Such as, "Do they like eating by themselves?" "Maybe they're comfortable with eating alone and don't have an issue with it." "Do they eat alone a lot?" "I wonder where and if they work?"

Honestly, these are the questions that go through my head. I'm intrigued by people's stories. Stories that we all have that are filled with joy and pain, hopes and fears, longings and heartache. I am intrigued by how experiences we have, people we meet and choices we make shape who we are and who we become.

So, no excuses...I do often stare. And though I don't mean to, I will do my best to work on this. For all of you who have told me at one point or another, "Becky, you're staring". Hang with me...I'm a work in progress.

Hey, at least I don't ask these people all of the questions I'm thinking about them. Now THAT would be strange...

1 comment:

Derek said...

Admitting is the first step to recovery. I am proud of you for taking that step! Maybe you should talk to strangers more instead of staring. They can probably answer your questions for you! LOL