Monday, January 15, 2007

What things get YOUR affections...?

Church was good tonight. I take that back--I really don't like labeling church as "good" or "bad" because it just doesn't seem right. I think what I'm trying to say is that I left church tonight with unanswered questions and with a desire to dig deeper into scripture and into my own life to find some answers.

The basic question posed tonight at church was pretty simple:

"What things get your affections?

In other words what things do you think about when you're lying awake in bed at night? What are the things that consume your thoughts?

Tonight Brad (the pastor) spoke about worship and adoration towards God. He used Psalm 13 as his reference point and spoke of David's worship towards the one true and faithful God--the same God we serve today.

As I left church I was left with that question on the forefront of my mind...what things get MY affections? I thought of a few things right off the top of my head--and then it was time for me to evaluate if the things that came to my mind were God honoring things.

I've gotta be honest--this was tough for me to do. And to completely honest, some of the things that came to my mind at one point or another were not God honoring.

But it makes sense why it's a tough thing to do because to stand before a soverign God who knows ALL and can see all your of your issues and all of the baggage you carry, can be awkward. Instead we try and medicate ourselves and go out and "buy a cd or pound a fillet" to make us feel better.

There are so many things in this world of ours that are vying for our "affections". And often times we end up devoting so much of our time, thoughts and energy to certain things/people/jobs that they become things that we begin to worship in one form or another.

So the question remains for us all, what things do you worship...what things get YOUR affections...?

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