Sunday, January 14, 2007

What Works...What Doesn't

Guys, you probably won't care to read this (unless you want to be super prepared when you get married and have knowledge about this stuff for your wife) but I think ladies will appreciate it. I've found out what things work and what things don't work when you have cramps...

What Works:

--Caffeine - Midol has caffeine in it and though used in excess it is not good for your body. However, it helped me to feel more awake (because it is a stimulant) and want to get off the couch, out of the fetal position and do something. Just one diet pepsi was enough for me.

--Exercise - Not in excess, but it's the times when you are cureled up on the couch in the fetal position and don't want to do ANYTHING when you really need to get out and do something. I went to the gym last night and didn't do strenuous exercise but did some cardio and a few light weights and felt a whole lot better.

--A hot meal - does wonders when you don't feel good. Even when I didn't feel like eating, after I ate something hot it made me feel better.

--A hot shower

Things that DON'T work:

--Pounding down the Midol - too much can make things worse and lessen the effects of the medicine.

--Staying rolled up in bed for the entire day - though it is tempting--not a good idea.

--Too much exercise - you do need some rest while your body is coping with what is going on inside, so too much is not good. Moderation is key.

--Whining about it - yes, it can majorly suck, but complaining about it doesn't do any good either. Things could always be worse...always.

Wow, I sound like a doctor and I surely am NOT. As a disclaimer, these are things that I have found to work for me. Every woman is different and every body is different--take it for what it's worth.

I think I'm going to go on a walk right now...

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