Sunday, January 7, 2007

Don't Hurt Me...

Just a couple of days ago a friend of mine asked me what it meant to be vulnerable. I thought about it for a minute and tried to find words that would describe what it meant--or at least what it meant according to my own definition. I used words such as, unguarded, open, scared, etc... It took me a while to describe it. So tonight, I decided to look up the definition online. Here is what I found:

Vulnerable: capable of being physically or emotionally wounded

After I explained to them what I thought it meant, they said, "So it sounds like it's a bad thing to be vulnerable".

Again, I thought about it and concluded that it does sound like a bad thing. I mean, who wants to be open to be physically or emotionally wounded. Not I, that is for sure.

Though the definition makes vulnerability seem like a bad thing, I think we have to be vulnerable at certain times and with certain people in our lives.

Heaven knows if a marriage is going to work out, both people will need to be willing to be vulnerable with the other person.

Being vulnerable isn't bad. Maybe scary, but not bad.

Think about that...

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