Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Courtney is Coming!

My good friend Courtney is coming to Fresno tonight and staying with me and then we're going to meet up with our other former housemates tomorrow night for dinner. Court and I met our freshmen year in college and we lived together in a house with four other girls our senior year. She is so great--and her family is amazing. She's just one of those people you love to be around because she just makes you feel good. Even though I'm not feeling all that well, I'm still excited that she is coming and we're going to get a chance to hang out and catch up! And dinner tomorrow night with all of the housemates back together will be a blast! Hopefully I'll get my appetite back by tomorrow...!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

shes a pretty cool girl. have fun hanging out with your housemates!